Wetland delineation and more in Wisconsin
Wetlands and Waterways offers high quality wetland and natural resources consulting to clients in the public and private sector.
My expertise includes wetland delineation, mitigation, restoration, mitigation bank design, monitoring, wetland fill permitting, hydric and terrestrial plant surveys, wetland classification, wetland jurisdictional determinations, ordinary high water mark determinations, navigability determinations, stream bank restoration, NEPA assessments, threatened and endangered resources review, and compliance inspection.
More details
- Wetland Delineation, Determination and Classification
- Wetland Mitigation Bank Design and Management
- Wetland and Natural Resources Permitting
- Wetland Fill Permits
- Grading
- Culverts
- Bridges
- Dredging
- Piers
- Ponds
- Wetland Mitigation Site Selection and Design Services
- Wetland Mitigation Site Monitoring
- Endangered Resources Reviews
- GPS Mapping
- Functional Value Assessments
- Regulatory Agency Negotiation and Liaison
- Environmental Compliance Monitoring
Hire a professional
Many landowners do not recognize wetlands in every circumstance since wetlands come in various forms and don’t always look like the stereotypical cattail marsh with year-round standing water. On top of that, the regulatory process for obtaining permits is rigorous and demanding and may involve local, state and federal agency approval. For these reasons, it is important to hire a professional up front to avoid violations or costly delays on your project.