About Wetlands and Waterways LLC
Learn more about Wetlands and Waterways LLC and my mitigation and permitting services in Wisconsin.
WDNR Professionally Assured Wetland Delineation
I have over 25 years of experience working on wetland and natural resources related projects. I have held the certification of being a WDNR Professionally Assured Delineator since 2006. This certification was obtained through the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources Professional Assurance Program.
The intent of the certification is that WDNR assures the work of individuals meeting established criteria. The intent of using a wetland delineator with the certification is that the individual will provide high level of certainty about wetland boundaries for project planning, which will in many cases save time in state review of wetland boundaries. However, there are some circumstances in which WDNR review may be required or recommended, depending on the complexity of the site and the proposed project. Also, assurance does not change the need for or decisions about wetland fill permits.
As a professional whose work is assured, I take continuing education courses on an annual basis and work hard to stay abreast of new scientific information and methods.
My licenses and certifications include:
- WDNR Professional Assured Wetland Delineator
- Professional Soil Scientist – Wisconsin
- Professional Wetland Scientist
- Certified Soil Tester – Wisconsin
- Certified WDNR Best Management Practices Compliance Monitor
- Certified Karner Blue Butterfly Monitor
I am also a member of the Society of Wetland Scientists and the Wisconsin Society of Professional Soil Scientists.